Schools and Colleges

Want to learn more about sexual violence?

Want to improve your safeguarding practices?

We provide bespoke materials for school-aged children, educating them on important topics surrounding social development and criminal justice. The issue of sexual violence in schools has attracted wide media attention over the course of the last year, particularly as 2021 saw the publication of the Everyone's Invited website which has over 50,000 accounts of young people being subjected to sexual violence. This is an endemic problem facing schools and colleges throughout the UK. Furthermore, the 2021 Ofsted Report suggests that 9 out of 10 school girls have been subjected to sexual harassment.

How we can help:
We aim to not only challenge this problem within schools, but prevent it from developing in later life. There is a clear problem of sexual violence in schools, and we are seeking to provide a solution to ensure students feel comfortable disclosing sexual violence, are aware of their responsibilities as young citizens but also know the ramifications of their actions. We have a vast range of expertise surrounding sexual offences (see our About Us page).

We cover:
What is sexual violence and what is its impact?
We will illustrate the impact that sexual violence has on those subjected to it and the importance of sufficient support from the safeguarding teams, such as appropriate emotional support.

What are rape myths and victim-blaming beliefs?
We will address different myths about sexual violence and challenge them with the reality. Rape myths and victim-blaming beliefs can have a devastating impact on whether a person reports or even identifies sexual violence, and so we hope that this encourages your students to report incidents to you.

The role of consent
We will discuss various examples of what is true consent. It is important to highlight that coercion, bullying and ultimately forcing someone to send you nudes or engage in sexual activity is an offence. Ideally, we aim to change the culture of sexual relations with young people and highlight that this is arguably the most important stage in their sexual development to understand what sexual violence is and how you can respect your partner whilst still developing sexual intimacy and autonomy.

Possession and distribution of indecent images of children ('nudes')
Here we will discuss the swapping of 'nudes' and the legal ramifications of such an act. Young people may not realise that this act could lead to legal intervention which could hold stark ramifications for their futures.

The issue of pornography
This section identifies the issues with early exposure to pornography, such as earlier first-time experiences and unrealistic expectations of sexual activity.

What are sexual harassment and sexual assault?
We will highlight examples such as non-consensual touching, up-skirting, sexual harassment including cat calling, whistling. We discuss examples of sexual assault such as bum-touching.

What to do if you are subjected to sexual violence
Here we will provide information on what to do if you are subjected to sexual violence. We signpost a number of steps which can be taken which best suit the survivor and outline a number of support services available.

Please get in touch to book a programme.